The Commercial View

March 6, 2018

Why the obsession with ‘insights’ leads marketers astray

Back in the old days, when data was scarce, information was gold. But data sources grew in scale and in and variety, so mere ‘information’ got […]
January 29, 2018

Why ‘fact based marketing’ leads marketers astray

At this day and age, we measure lots of things to facilitate decision making. In principle, this is better than not measuring; however, the translation from […]
January 16, 2018

Hoe-werkt-succes-verhaaltjes: trap er niet in

‘Goudeerlijk Boerenmaisbrood’ van Jumbo won onlangs het Gouden Windei, de prijs voor het meest misleidende product van het jaar. Voor wie het gemist heeft: de naam […]
October 10, 2017

Why the obsession with differentiation leads marketers astray

Philip Kotler is by many regarded as the ‘founding father’ of marketing. The key concept in the Kotlerian school is differentiation. Although the empirical evidence that […]